Empower Mentoring offer one-to-one tutoring support from our professional team, creating a supportive environment tailored to meet the individual learning needs of young people. Whether through project-based learning or accredited ASDAN programmes we engage young learners to discover their passions and purposes for learning.

Our delivery of ASDAN accredited curriculum programmes brings numerous benefits, as highlighted on the ASDAN website:

ASDAN’s programmes and qualifications are widely recognised by educators for providing an engaging curriculum that empowers students through personalised learning and choice. These courses motivate learners by setting short-term targets and regularly recognising achievements. Success stories, surveys, and testimonials from our members demonstrate that our courses develop a wide range of core skills in young people, including teamwork, problem-solving, communication, managing their own learning and performance, and conducting research. These programmes cater to young people aged 11 to 25 years who are in greatest need.

Through our tutoring and ASDAN programmes, we aim to empower young learners, develop their core skills, and support them in achieving their educational goals.